
Teaching plan
Teaching goals:
1. Get the students understand prefixes and suffixes and their usages;
2. Enable the students guess the word’s meaning with the help of prefixes and suffixes..
Key point:
Guess the new words with the help of prefixes and suffixes.
Difficult point:
How to use prefixes and suffixes properly.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Lead-in
Game:Think of 5 family members of “agree”, which have the same root. Then enjoy a video of prefix and suffix. In this way, students may understand prefix and suffix more easily.
【设计说明】利用给学过的单词agree找家人的小游戏来引入,学生很容易想到disagree, agreement, disagreement, agreeable, disagreeable,这些正是agree的派生词。然后通过观看有关前缀后缀的小视频,学生更容易理解。
Step 2. More prefixes and suffixes
1. Get to know prefix and suffix
Read the passage quickly and try to find all the words with prefix and suffix.
Step 3. Use prefix and suffix to make new words and use them.
1. Divide the whole class into two groups.
2. Each group is given some roots, prefixes and suffixes. ( dis, un, mis, wide, terrible, success, agree, will, suit, usual, like, represent, advantage, behave, understand, en, ly, ful, ing, able)
3. Students work together to put them together and make new words.
4. Use the new words in the sentences and passage.
【设计说明】给A. B两组若干纸条。两组竞争,给出正确的组合。然后填在句子和短文中。
Step 4. Conclusion
Students summarize all the prefixes and suffixes they learned today and try to work out the usage of prefix and suffix. Prefixes are mainly used to change the meaning of the words, while suffixes are used to change the part of speech.