
Assessment activities for learning
在一节课结束的时候,作为教师,我们应该怎样判断学生是否学到了知识呢?相信很多人的第一想法是通过课堂观察。那设想如果学生面露愁色,眉头紧锁,我们能不能简单地说学生这节课没有学到内容呢?相反,如果学生面露悦色,喜笑颜开,他们就真的学到了知识吗?课堂观察的方法固然简单,但也容易判断失误。因此,接下来小编要介绍其他几种assessment activities for learning,这些活动可以更好地让我们对学生的学习情况做出正确的判断,从而为下一步的教学提供依据。
Draw a face
At the end of an activity or lesson, ask learners to draw a face to show how confident they are about the topic. Smiley face = ready to move on, neutral face = fairly confident, sad face = not confident, need to review.
Summary sentence
Ask learners to write one sentence to summarise what they know about the topic at the start or end of a lesson. You could focus this by telling them to include e.g. what or why or how etc.
Pair share
At the end of a lesson learners share with their partner-three new things they have learnt:
· What they found easy
· What they found difficult
· Something they would like to learn in the future
· 他们发现简单的事情
· 他们觉得困难的事情
· 他们将来想学的东西
Traffic lights
Give learners red, yellow and green cards (or they can make these themselves at home). At different points during the lesson, ask them to choose a card and put it on their desk to show how much they understand (red = don’t understand, yellow = partly understand, green = totally understand).
At the beginning of a topic learners create a grid with three columns – what they know; what they want to know; what they have learned. They start by brainstorming and filling in the first two columns and then return to the third at the end of the unit.
A, B, C, D cards
Give learners four cards: A, B, C, D (or they can make these themselves at home). Ask questions with four answers and ask them to show you their answers.
Most ……. thing
Ask learners what was the most, e.g. useful, interesting, surprising, etc. thing they learned today or in this unit.
Not clear
At the end of an activity or lesson or unit, ask learners to write one or two points that are not clear to them. The teacher and class discuss these points and work together to make them clear.