
——以人教版新教材Book 2 Unit 4 History and Traditions 读写课为例
李琛 华中师范大学第一附属中学
【摘要】读后续写作为高考英语学科的新题型,不仅考察学生的阅读能力,也考察学生的写作能力。由于读后续写的语篇主要是记叙文,那么学生的叙事能力和细节刻画能力尤为重要。在完成读后续写任务时,感官描写是一个很好的写作策略,可以为读后续写中的人物描写、物品描写、环境描写等增加细节和亮点,使文章更生动形象。本文结合新教材语篇2019版人教高中英语教材第二册第四单元“Unit 4 History and Traditions” 读写课的语篇,通过感官描写的教学案例和读后续写习作中的感官描写案例,总结了感官描写的技巧。
【关键词】高考英语读后续写 新教材 感官描写
1. 读后续写的评价原则
2. 当前学生在读后续写上的主要问题
1. 感官描写的特点
作为“show, not tell”的重要内容之一,感官描写是一个很好的写作策略。五种感官分别指的是视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉。感官描写中的视觉性描写指的是大小、颜色、形状、图案等,常用动词包括see, look, spot, observe等;听觉指的是声音,音乐,噪音,说话声等,常用动词包括hear, listen to等;嗅觉主要指的是气味,常用动词为smell等;味觉指的是味道,常用动词为taste;触觉主要描述事物的质地,常用动词为touch, feel。。在写作的时候,感官描写可以用于人物描写、物品描写、地点描写等。它能够增加细节,让写作更为生动形象和具体,使读者产生置身于现场的感觉。在具体使用时候,不是所有五种感官都需要涉及到。根据人物或者事物的特点,聚焦几种感官特征即可。
2. 感官描写在读后续写中的具体应用实例
浙江省某测试卷读后续写 “Love will melt your heart” 讲述了小女孩Norah和妈妈在超市偶遇孤寡老人Dan的故事,Norah非常敬重老师,她的友好治愈了老人的孤独。题目的第二段提示语为“A few days later, we visited Dan’s tidy house”,也就是说下文要描写老人的家以及在他家里Norah和妈妈做了什么。例如,我们可以从视觉上描绘房间里的布置,特别是老人所处的安静的环境,凸显老人的孤独:”The house was not large, but decorated carefully. A table was set in the middle of the house with only one chair beside it. Sunlight went through the window and reached the leaves of the plants nearby.” 有的描写老人家里的照片,“What attracted my attention was the photo on the wall. It was a picture of an elegant lady and him. He told us that his wife passed away several years ago.” 通过这个细节,点出老人的家庭背景和他孤独的原因,从而推动情节的发展。除了所见,还可以增加味觉,嗅觉和听觉的细节,例如:It was a sunny day, and the sun shone through the window of the house. Mr. Dan was sitting at the table, making tea for us. I tasted the hot tea served by Mr. Dan and watched he and Norah talking and laughing. They chatted happily like long lost friends. 小女孩和妈妈在老人家喝茶,欢快地聊天,这样的描写突出了老人的教养,以及孩子和他相处的愉悦。通过这些细节可以升华主题,说明小朋友的友情给了老人莫大的慰藉。
2017年浙江省高考英语中的读后续写“A vacation with my mom”讲述了健忘的妈妈和一家人旅行的故事。第二段的提示语为“We drove through a lot of states and saw lots of great sights along the way.” 承接这句话下文必须要描绘一家人沿途看到的风景,并且通过风景描写展示家人的心情变化。有的学生写道 “It was a feast for our eyes. Along the way we witnessed the joy and love between the people and us. The pure blue sky, the grass-covered field and the breeze with a pleasant scent all became jewelry in our family’s memory.” 通过描写路途所见的蓝天田野,感受到微风和清香这些感官细节,说明作者心情上的放松以及他对妈妈的接纳,刻画了一家人美好的回忆,从而起到升华主题的作用。
除了直接描写环境,刻画人物性格之外,感官描写还可以在读后续写中作为故事的结尾。例如,有的同学在结尾处写道 “Looking at the starry sky, I knew that it was love and forgiveness that made us closer.” 通过描写夜晚宁静的星空,文章自然收尾,主题也得到了升华。可以说,感官描写的技巧适用于每一篇读后续写的任务,只要需要刻画环境和人物,就可以用到感官的细节。在写作时,我们可以重点关注五种感官中的几种,根据实际情况按需使用,没有必要面面俱到。
3. 感官描写的困难
三. 读后续写感官描写教学案例
1. 教学目标:
2. 学生分析:授课对象为华中师范大学第一附属中学高一年级下学期的文科班的学生。
3. 教学重点:培养学生感官描写的意识以及用英语进行感官描写的能力。
4. 教学难点:提供合适的语料和练习活动,使学生操练后能够独立地使用感官描写。
5. 教材语篇分析:2019人教版高中英语教材第二册第四单元“Unit 4 History and
Traditions” 读写课的语篇描述了爱尔兰的风光,凸显了感官描写的写作策略。这个读写板块的主题是描述喜欢的地方。语篇从旅行者的角度,从五种感官的角度描写了爱尔兰乡村的景色。作者细腻地刻画了视觉、嗅觉、味觉、听觉和触觉各方面的感受,栩栩如生地描绘了爱尔兰的群山、大海、鸟语花香、美味佳肴等。
6. 教学媒体与资源的选择与应用:ppt,音视频和讲义
7. 教学实施过程:
(1) lead-in: 导入环节
通过一首简短有趣的英文感官诗,让学生初步感知英文的五种感官。这首诗歌是关于爆米花的,语言简单有趣。诗歌内容为:I hear the pop, pop, pop. I smell something buttery. I see something white. I feel something soft. I taste something salty. What could it be? It is popcorn.
(2) definition of sensory description 定义概念
定义,范畴,功能和基本表达。感官描写指的是senses of sight, sense of hearing, sense of taste, sense of smell and sense of touch.
(3) identifying sensory language 识别感官语言
As we peered through the window, we saw that the bright lights in the dark night.
Children’s happy song echoed through the woods, into the valley, and around the town.
The snow is white and soft, cold and frozen.
I can never forget the warm, sweet scent of the baking cookies my grandma made. How yummy there were!
(4) reading a sample paragraph from the text教材语篇分析
阅读教材课文,引导学生理解文章。学生回答两个问题:What is the main idea? What is this passage about?
(5)The hamburger structure 分析语篇结构
通过图片,引导学生分析教材语篇结构。教材语篇主要是总分总结构,英文称为hamburger structure.
(6)analysing the sensory details from the text 分析感官描写语言
The peaceful landscape of the “Emerald Isle” and its many green counties is a true feast for the eyes, with its rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle.
And down by the sea, the roar of the ocean waves and cries of the seabirds make up the music of the coast.
On a quiet morning in the mountains, feel the sun on your skin, and breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers while birds greet the new day with their morning song.
To have a chance of experiencing this, stop by a village pub and relax with a glass of wine or a local beer. Better yet, enjoy a delicious traditional Irish Beef Stew.
在展示每个句子后,学生判断每句话是哪种感官描写,同时关注每句话中用了哪些动词、名词、形容词或者短语来实现感官描写。例如,第一句话使用了 “green”, “a true feast for the eyes”, “rolling green hills”, “dotted with sheep and cattle”这些语言达到了视觉描写的效果。
(7) brainstorming sensory words 情境操练
(8) rewriting sentences 扩句练习
I walked outside. → As soon as I stepped outside I could smell the fresh scent of rain and feel the soft breeze touching my skin.
Spring has come. →The gentle spring wind touches my face and the air is filled with sweet fragrance of the flowers, which shows us the coming of spring.
We visited grandma’s house. → We went inside grandma’s house and was greeted with the sweet scent of cookies and cakes.
(9)group work 小组活动
Sight: What do you see? What colours are present? Is there anything very large or very small?
Smell: What type of smells fill the air?
Feel/touch: What do you feel or touch?
Taste: What do you taste?
Hearing: What do you hear when you close your eyes?
(10)summary 总结
The hamburger structure and five senses 总结本课内容,回顾本课要点
(11)homework 作业布置
Finish your descriptive paragraph 通过作业巩固新知
8. 教学反思
1. It is 6 am. I can hear my alarm clock ringing. The loudspeaker positioned in the dormitory starts announcing. Greeted with the damp air and heavy clouds which promise a rainy day, I step out of the front door. The vivid trees and colorful flowers are dancing in the cool wind. As soon as I enter the dining hall, the fascinating scent of the breakfast grabs my attention. Enjoying the delicious breakfast, I also enjoy the joyful music from my earphone. What a nice morning at school! (冀鹏翼)
2. Every morning, birds greet the new day with their morning song while students’ reading voices echo on the campus. In the afternoon, the aroma of mouth-watering meals is so attractive that the crowd surges forward. After a whole day’s classes, the typical but unique day ends in a mix of laughter and chats. What impresses me most is the profound and broad sky dotted with shining stars at night. Nothing could be better than this moment of peace and harmony and it is relaxing to feel the soft wind on your skin. (杨景祎)
3. It is spring, a variety of flowers blooms and golden fish spring out of the surface of Boya lake of our school. You will be impressed by its extraordinary beauty. Wandering on the campus, breathing the fragrant scent and enjoying the warm sunshine, so merry are you that all of the sorrow and frustrations are fading. Appreciating the song’s melody of birds, you will be absorbed in the beauty of nature. In the dining hall, attracted by mouth-watering and yummy cuisine, you can swallow whatever you want to taste. It is my school that makes my life colorful and enjoyable. Hopefully, you will fall in love with it too! (占嘉裕)
4. Walk around the school, it is a true feast for the eyes, along the roads lined up with trees. With clear water and blooming flowers, a walk around the campus lake will never fail to impress you. And up in the sky, the whispering of the leaves and singing of the birds make up the music of the school. On a quiet morning, feel the sun on your skin and breathe in the sweet scent of plants, you will enjoy the lighthearted atmosphere while students greet the new day with their hard work. After the morning classes, the cafeteria must be packed with students. Enjoying the flavoring meals, students and teachers are able to try out mouth-watering stew, delicious noodles, fresh vegetables, juicy fruits and so on. Living and studying in my school is challenging but also colorful and bright. (柯欣淼)